Description: | A text based scholarly publication or publishing channel that contains results of research. CRISs typically record metadata about scholarly publications from the scope of the CRIS (institutional CRIS for the institution, funder CRIS for the funding it distributed, etc.) in the context of the research projects, infrastructure, funding, organization units and authors/contributors. This entity typically represents the granularity level of a single published item for which attribution information is attached (usually in the form of a list of authors and contributors). This entity is also used to represent publishing channels and sources: journals and book series (incl. continuing conference proceedings series). (Taken from |
Examples: | openaire_cerif_xml_example_publications.xml |
Representation: | XML element Publication ; the rest of this section documents children of this element |
CERIF: | the ResultPublication entity ( |
Internal Identifier¶
Use: | mandatory (1) |
Representation: | XML attribute id |
CERIF: | the ResultPublicationIdentifier attribute ( |
Description: | The type of the publication |
Use: | mandatory (1) |
Representation: | XML element |
CERIF: | the ResultPublication_Classification ( |
Vocabulary: | Publication types extracted from the COAR Resource Types concept scheme: Types of publications as extracted from the COAR Resource Types concept scheme (, the term ‘text’ and its descendants in the hierarchy except ‘patent’).
Description: | The language of the publication. Please use the IETF language tags as described in the IETF BCP 47 document. |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element Language |
CERIF: | the ResultPublication_Classification linking entity ( with the semantics |
Description: | The title of the publication |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element Title as a multilingual string |
CERIF: | the ResultPublication.Title attribute ( |
Description: | The subtitle of the publication |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element Subtitle as a multilingual string |
CERIF: | the ResultPublication.Subtitle attribute ( |
Description: | The source (another Publication) where this publication appeared. E.g. a journal article lists here the journal where it appeared. To be used for a publishing channel. |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element PublishedIn with embedded XML element Publication |
CERIF: | the ResultPublication_ResultPublication linking entity ( with the semantics (direction :1) |
Description: | The Publication of which this publication is a part. E.g. a book chapter lists here the book that contains it. To be used for a containing publication. |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element PartOf with embedded XML element Publication |
CERIF: | the ResultPublication_ResultPublication linking entity ( with the semantics (direction :1) |
Description: | The date the publication appeared |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element |
CERIF: | the ResultPublication.ResPublDate attribute ( |
Format: | any of:
Description: | The number of the publication (e.g. Article Number) |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element Number |
CERIF: | the ResultPublication.Number attribute ( |
Description: | The volume of the publishing channel where this publication appeared |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element Volume |
CERIF: | the ResultPublication.Volume attribute ( |
Description: | The issue of the publishing channel where this publication appeared |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element Issue |
CERIF: | the ResultPublication.Issue attribute ( |
Description: | The edition of the publication |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element Edition |
CERIF: | the ResultPublication.Edition attribute ( |
Description: | The page where this publication starts, in case the publishing channel or containing publication has numbered pages |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element StartPage |
CERIF: | the ResultPublication.StartPage attribute ( |
Description: | The page where this publication ends, in case the publishing channel or containing publication has numbered pages |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element EndPage |
CERIF: | the ResultPublication.EndPage attribute ( |
Description: | The Digital Object Identifier |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element DOI |
CERIF: | the FederatedIdentifier entity ( |
Format: | regular expression 10\.\d{4,}(\.\d+)*/[^\s]+ (as per |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element Handle |
CERIF: | the FederatedIdentifier entity ( |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element PMCID |
CERIF: | the FederatedIdentifier entity ( |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element ISI-Number |
CERIF: | the FederatedIdentifier entity ( |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element SCP-Number |
CERIF: | the FederatedIdentifier entity ( |
Description: | The International Standard Serial Number |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element ISSN |
CERIF: | the FederatedIdentifier entity ( |
Format: | regular expression \d{4}-?\d{3}[\dX] and length between 8 and 9 characters (as per |
Use: | optional |
Representation: | XML attribute |
Vocabulary: | ISSN Media List
Description: | The International Standard Book Number |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element |
CERIF: | the FederatedIdentifier entity ( |
Format: | any of:
Use: | optional |
Representation: | XML attribute |
Vocabulary: | ISSN Media List
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element URL |
CERIF: | the FederatedIdentifier entity ( |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element URN |
CERIF: | the FederatedIdentifier entity ( |
Description: | The authors of this publication |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element Authors with ordered embedded XML elements Author that can contain an embedded person with affiliations or organisation unit |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element Author with embedded XML element Person optionally followed by one or several Affiliation elements, or OrgUnit . A DisplayName may be specified, too. |
CERIF: | the Person_ResultPublication linking entity ( with the semantics; the OrganisationUnit_ResultPublication linking entity ( with the semantics |
Description: | The editors of this publication |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element Editors with ordered embedded XML elements Editor that can contain an embedded person with affiliations or organisation unit |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element Editor with embedded XML element Person optionally followed by one or several Affiliation elements, or OrgUnit . A DisplayName may be specified, too. |
CERIF: | the Person_ResultPublication linking entity ( with the semantics; the OrganisationUnit_ResultPublication linking entity ( with the semantics |
Description: | The publishers of this publication |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element Publishers with ordered embedded XML elements Publisher that can contain an embedded organisation unit or person |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element Publisher with embedded XML element OrgUnit or Person . A DisplayName may be specified, too. |
CERIF: | the OrganisationUnit_ResultPublication linking entity ( with the semantics; the Person_ResultPublication linking entity ( with the semantics |
Description: | The license of the publication |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element License containing the classification identifier and having a scheme attribute to specify the classification scheme identifier |
CERIF: | the ResultPublication_Classification ( |
Description: | The subject of the publication from a classification |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element Subject containing the classification identifier and having a scheme attribute to specify the classification scheme identifier |
CERIF: | the ResultPublication_Classification ( |
Description: | A single keyword or key expression. Please repeat to serialize separate keywords or key expressions. |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element Keyword as a multilingual string |
CERIF: | the ResultPublication.Keywords attribute ( |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element Abstract as a multilingual string |
CERIF: | the ResultPublication.Abstract attribute ( |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element Status containing the classification identifier and having a scheme attribute to specify the classification scheme identifier |
CERIF: | the ResultPublication_Classification ( |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element OriginatesFrom with embedded XML element Project or Funding |
CERIF: | the Project_ResultPublication linking entity ( with the semantics; the ResultPublication_Funding linking entity ( with the semantics |
Description: | The event where this publication was presented. [1] |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element PresentedAt with embedded XML element Event |
CERIF: | the ResultPublication_Event linking entity ( with the semantics |
[1] | Note: Video recordings of conference presentations are stored as alternative representations of the primary object: the conference paper. It would be unneccessarily complex to represent them as separate, linked Products. |
Description: | This publication contains the proceedings from the linked event |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element OutputFrom with embedded XML element Event |
CERIF: | the ResultPublication_Event linking entity ( with the semantics |
Description: | The event that is covered by this publication (e.g. a report about the event) |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element Coverage with embedded XML element Event |
CERIF: | the ResultPublication_Event linking entity ( with the semantics |
Description: | Result outputs that are referenced by this publication |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element References with embedded XML element Publication or Patent or Product |
CERIF: | the ResultPublication_ResultPublication linking entity ( with the semantics (direction :1); the ResultPublication_ResultProduct linking entity ( with the semantics (direction :1); the ResultPublication_ResultPatent linking entity ( with the semantics (direction :1) |
Description: | The open access type of the publication |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element |
CERIF: | the ResultPublication_Classification ( |
Vocabulary: |