Description: | A set of exclusive rights granted by a sovereign state to an inventor or assignee for a limited period of time in exchange for detailed public disclosure of an invention. Source: Wikipedia |
Examples: | openaire_cerif_xml_example_patents.xml |
Representation: | XML element Patent ; the rest of this section documents children of this element |
CERIF: | the ResultPatent entity ( |
Internal Identifier¶
Use: | mandatory (1) |
Representation: | XML attribute id |
CERIF: | the ResultPatentIdentifier attribute ( |
Description: | The type of the patent (currently just one option) |
Use: | mandatory (1) |
Representation: | XML element |
CERIF: | the ResultPatent_Classification ( |
Vocabulary: | Patent types extracted from the COAR Resource Types concept scheme: Types of patents as extracted from the COAR Resource Types concept scheme (, the term ‘patent’ only).
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element Title as a multilingual string |
CERIF: | the ResultPatent.Title attribute ( |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element VersionInfo as a multilingual string |
CERIF: | the ResultPatent.VersionInfo attribute ( |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element RegistrationDate |
CERIF: | the ResultPatent.RegistrationDate attribute ( |
Format: | full date (YYYY-MM-DD ) with optional time zone indication |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element ApprovalDate |
CERIF: | the ResultPatent.ApprovalDate attribute ( |
Format: | full date (YYYY-MM-DD ) with optional time zone indication |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element CountryCode |
CERIF: | the ResultPatent.CountryCode attribute ( |
Description: | The issuer of the patent: the patent office |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element Issuer with embedded XML element OrgUnit . A DisplayName may be specified, too. |
CERIF: | the OrganisationUnit_ResultPatent linking entity ( with the semantics |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element PatentNumber |
CERIF: | the ResultPatent.PatentNumber attribute ( |
Description: | The inventors of this patent |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element Inventors with ordered embedded XML elements Inventor |
Description: | The inventor: The actual devisor of an invention that is the subject of a patent. |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element Inventor with embedded XML element Person optionally followed by one or several Affiliation elements. A DisplayName may be specified, too. |
CERIF: | the Person_ResultPatent linking entity ( with the semantics |
Description: | The holders of this patent |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element Holders with ordered embedded XML elements Holder that can contain an embedded organisation unit or person |
Description: | The patent rights holder, also known as the patentee or assignee |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element Holder with embedded XML element OrgUnit or Person . A DisplayName may be specified, too. |
CERIF: | the Person_ResultPatent linking entity ( with the semantics; the OrganisationUnit_ResultPatent linking entity ( with the semantics |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element Abstract as a multilingual string |
CERIF: | the ResultPatent.Abstract attribute ( |
Description: | The subject of the patent from a classification |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element Subject containing the classification identifier and having a scheme attribute to specify the classification scheme identifier |
CERIF: | the ResultPatent_Classification ( |
Description: | A single keyword or key expression. Please repeat to serialize separate keywords or key expressions. |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element Keyword as a multilingual string |
CERIF: | the ResultPatent.Keywords attribute ( |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element OriginatesFrom with embedded XML element Project or Funding |
CERIF: | the Project_ResultPatent linking entity ( with the semantics; the ResultPatent_Funding linking entity ( with the semantics |
Description: | Patents that precede (i.e., have priority over) this patent |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element Predecessor with embedded XML element Patent |
CERIF: | the ResultPatent_ResultPatent linking entity ( with the semantics (direction :1) |
Description: | Result outputs that are referenced by this patent |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element References with embedded XML element Publication or Patent or Product |
CERIF: | the ResultPatent_ResultPublication linking entity ( with the semantics (direction :1); the ResultPatent_ResultProduct linking entity ( with the semantics (direction :1); the ResultPatent_ResultPatent linking entity ( with the semantics (direction :1) |