
Description:Organisation Unit: an organisation, a unit therein, a committee or any other group of people that has a collective goal. Organisation Units are not necessarily formalized as legal entities. In the research information domain Organisation Units typically represents: (1) organisations that perform research (universities, research institutes, corporations) and their subdivisions (faculties, schools, departments, research groups) and other associated bodies (boards, advisory bodies); (2) organisations that fund research (funders, their divisions and evaluation panels); (3) scientific associations and networks; (4) publishers, facility operators and other service providers in the research space; (5) authorities, such as patent offices and standardization or supervision bodies; and (6) other bodies: editorial boards, evaluation panels, or committees of all kinds.
Representation:XML element OrgUnit; the rest of this section documents children of this element
CERIF:the OrganisationUnit entity (

Internal Identifier

Use:mandatory (1)
Representation:XML attribute id
CERIF:the OrganisationUnitIdentifier attribute (


Description:The type of the organisation unit
Use:optional, possibly multiple (0..*)
Representation:XML element Type containing the classification identifier and having a scheme attribute to specify the classification scheme identifier
CERIF:the OrganisationUnit_Classification (


Description:The acronym of the organisation unit
Use:optional (0..1)
Representation:XML element Acronym
CERIF:the OrganisationUnit.Acronym attribute (


Description:The name of the organisation unit
Use:optional, possibly multiple (0..*)
Representation:XML element Name as a multilingual string
CERIF:the OrganisationUnit.Name attribute (


Description:An identifier of the organisation unit
Use:optional, possibly multiple (0..*)
Representation:XML element Identifier with mandatory type attribute
CERIF:the FederatedIdentifier entity (


Description:An electronic address associated with the organisation unit
Use:optional, possibly multiple (0..*)
Representation:XML element ElectronicAddress
CERIF:the ElectronicAddress entity ( and the corresponding link (


Description:Link to the larger unit that encompasses this unit. To be used for the immediate parents only. In order to represent the full path up through the hierarchy of an institution, use this construct recursively. In specific cases there may be several such parents at one time in parallel. An example: a interdisciplinary research centre within a university can be subordinated to several faculties.
Use:optional, possibly multiple (0..*)
Representation:XML element PartOf with embedded XML element OrgUnit
CERIF:the OrganisationUnit_OrganisationUnit linking entity ( with the­OrganisationRelations#Part semantics (direction :1)