Description: | A human being as an individual. Source: The kind of involvement of a Person in the research ecosystem is specified in the links with the organisations, the services, etc. This typically includes: (1) researchers (Persons performing research in an Organisation Unit as employees or students); (2) authors and contributors (Persons signing a publication, creators of data sets, software developers, etc.); (3) investigators and project participants (Persons involved in a Project as principal investigators, co investigators, project managers, consultants, etc.); (4) management (directors, rectors, deans, department heads, etc.); (5) support staffs (technicians, responsible for Equipment, librarians and digital asset curators, administrative staff, etc.). One Person typically has many of these relationships. |
Examples: | openaire_cerif_xml_example_persons.xml |
Representation: | XML element Person ; the rest of this section documents children of this element |
CERIF: | the Person entity ( |
Internal Identifier¶
Use: | mandatory (1) |
Representation: | XML attribute id |
CERIF: | the PersonIdentifier attribute ( |
Description: | The name of the person |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element PersonName containing optional FamilyNames , optional FirstNames and optional OtherNames |
CERIF: | the PersonName entity ( and the corresponding link ( |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element FamilyNames |
CERIF: | the PersonName.FamilyNames attribute ( |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element FirstNames |
CERIF: | the PersonName.FirstNames attribute ( |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element OtherNames |
CERIF: | the PersonName.OtherNames attribute ( |
Description: | The gender of the person. Leave out in case the gender is unknown or not communicated. |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element |
CERIF: | the Person.Gender attribute ( |
Vocabulary: | Genders (sociocultural, not linguistic)
Description: | The ORCID identifier in case its value is certain or known to be a preferred one. |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element ORCID |
CERIF: | the FederatedIdentifier entity ( |
Format: | regular expression https://orcid\.org/0000-000(1-[5-9]|2-[0-9]|3-[0-4])[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}[0-9X] (as per |
Description: | The ORCID identifiers in case the value is not certain, e.g. because there is a conflicting statement with a different value. This can also represent deprecated identifiers/profiles that have been merged into a single, current one that is preferred. |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element AlternativeORCID |
CERIF: | the FederatedIdentifier entity ( |
Format: | regular expression https://orcid\.org/0000-000(1-[5-9]|2-[0-9]|3-[0-4])[0-9]{3}-[0-9]{3}[0-9X] (as per |
Description: | The ResearcherID identifier in case its value is certain or known to be a preferred one. |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element ResearcherID |
CERIF: | the FederatedIdentifier entity ( |
Format: | regular expression [A-Z]-[0-9]{4}-(19|20)[0-9][0-9] (as per |
Description: | The ResearcherID identifier in case the value is not certain, e.g. because there is a conflicting statement with a different value. This can also represent deprecated identifiers/profiles that have been merged into a single, current one that is preferred. |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element AlternativeResearcherID |
CERIF: | the FederatedIdentifier entity ( |
Format: | regular expression [A-Z]-[0-9]{4}-(19|20)[0-9][0-9] (as per |
Description: | The Scopus Author ID identifier in case its value is certain or known to be a preferred one. |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element ScopusAuthorID |
CERIF: | the FederatedIdentifier entity ( |
Format: | regular expression [0-9]{10,11} (as per |
Description: | The Scopus Author ID identifier in case the value is not certain, e.g. because there is a conflicting statement with a different value. This can also represent deprecated identifiers/profiles that have been merged into a single, current one that is preferred. |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element AlternativeScopusAuthorID |
CERIF: | the FederatedIdentifier entity ( |
Format: | regular expression [0-9]{10,11} (as per |
Description: | The ISNI identifier in case its value is certain or known to be a preferred one. |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element ISNI |
CERIF: | the FederatedIdentifier entity ( |
Format: | regular expression [0-9]{4} [0-9]{4} [0-9]{4} [0-9]{3}[0-9X] (as per |
Description: | The ISNI identifier in case the value is not certain, e.g. because there is a conflicting statement with a different value. This can also represent deprecated identifiers/profiles that have been merged into a single, current one that is preferred. |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element AlternativeISNI |
CERIF: | the FederatedIdentifier entity ( |
Format: | regular expression [0-9]{4} [0-9]{4} [0-9]{4} [0-9]{3}[0-9X] (as per |
Description: | The Digital Author Identifier in case its value is certain or known to be a preferred one. |
Use: | optional (0..1) |
Representation: | XML element DAI |
CERIF: | the FederatedIdentifier entity ( |
Format: | regular expression info\:eu\-repo/dai/nl/\d{8}[\dxX] (as per |
Description: | The Digital Author Identifier in case the value is not certain, e.g. because there is a conflicting statement with a different value. This can also represent deprecated identifiers/profiles that have been merged into a single, current one that is preferred. |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element AlternativeDAI |
CERIF: | the FederatedIdentifier entity ( |
Format: | regular expression info\:eu\-repo/dai/nl/\d{8}[\dxX] (as per |
Description: | An electronic address associated with the person |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element ElectronicAddress |
CERIF: | the ElectronicAddress entity ( and the corresponding link ( |
Description: | The organisation or organisation unit the person is affiliated with |
Use: | optional, possibly multiple (0..*) |
Representation: | XML element Affiliation with embedded XML element OrgUnit |
CERIF: | the Person_OrganisationUnit linking entity ( with the semantics |